All intellectual property rights including, but not limited to: images, concepts, designs, style, color schemes, custom designs, typography, proposals, and photographs are and will remain the exclusive  property of H. Lively Artisan Home. All artworks are Copyright Protected by H. Lively Artisan Home. These images may not be downloaded, shared, copied, linked to, or edited in any manner or form for use on any website, image gallery, clipart collection, printed product, or other derivative uses without express written permission from the artist. This website and the contents thereof are protected worldwide by copyright and related intellectual property rights.


Product availability and product designs are subject to change at any time without prior notice. While we try to keep our website as up to date as possible, we may experience delays in updating information. The information found on our website may contain inaccuracies and may not be current. Products and product designs may be described inaccurately or unavailable. Information on the website will be updated as quickly as possible. If you have a question about a product or product design currently or previously offered, please email info@hlively.com.